Naturopathic Medicine for Anxiety

What is Anxiety?

Anxiety and a heightened sense of awareness are the body’s natural physiological reactions to stress and danger, usually creating a feeling of apprehension or unease about what is to come and discomfort within one’s own skin. Symptoms of anxiety include increased heart rate, a tightening or weight-like sensation in the chest, rapid breathing or hyperventilation, sweating, diarrhea, trembling, and feeling fearful, nervous, or even experiencing sensations of impending doom. Anxiety is stimulated by factors such as genetics, unmanaged stress, inappropriate cortisol levels, environmental toxins, neurotransmitter imbalance, blood sugar dysregulation, food sensitivities and a disrupted microbiome.

Addressing Anxiety Naturopathically

Dr. Lana helps to address mental health and mood stability  naturally so you can learn to manage the sensations and recognize the symptoms and put appropriate systems in place in order to live a happy, healthy life. By seeing a naturopath for anxiety, you will learn a variety of holistic anxiety remedies, such as lifestyle changes, mindfulness practices and supplementation, as well as other natural and effective ways to relieve some of the symptoms, such as acupuncture with one of DLW's practitioners. 

Forming Healthy Habits to Reduce Anxiety

A healthy microbiome equals a healthy stress response. Eating a balanced diet full of whole foods that are rich in antioxidants and fiber for GI regulation, in addition to avoiding prepackaged and processed foods, is key to reducing anxiety. Exercising regularly directly relates to the regulation of hormone levels and keeping your brain and body healthy. It is also important to eliminate unhealthy habits, like consuming alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine, staying up too late, over-committing and skipping out meals and self-care practices.

Supplementation for Anxiety

Dr. Lana can also recommend supplementation to make sure you’re getting sufficient vitamins, nutrients and cofactors in your diet to optimize brain functionality. 

Sleep is Key for Combatting Anxiety

Sleep has an enormous impact on brain functionality and anxiety by directly impacting hormone levels. When you are asleep, your brain’s glymphatic system (quite literally glial lymphatic system) takes over and cleans out any debris from the day’s activities, leaving your mind ready and fresh for the following day’s tasks. Make sure you’re sticking to a regular sleep schedule and getting enough sleep at night to optimize your hormone levels naturally and minimize symptoms of anxiety.

Managing Stress to Manage Anxiety

Stress levels also exacerbate anxiety, so Dr. Lana is well equipped to help you to adopt a daily meditation practice, incorporate deep breathing, and other relaxing or calming techniques to help manage cortisol levels and anxiety. Finding support networks and hobbies can also help to balance GABA, serotonin, dopamine levels and alleviate anxiety.

Diet and Supplementation for Anxiety

Your diet also has a huge impact on your body and your overall mental health. Research suggests that certain foods may lessen sensations of anxiousness, including salmon, chamomile, turmeric, dark chocolate, yogurt, and green tea. Eating a healthy balanced diet is extremely important to your overall health and is one of the many ways our Nutritionist will address anxiety nutritionally. In addition, research has shown that supplements like vitamin D, vitamin B complex, and magnesium work well as a naturopathic medicine for anxiety and depression and may help relieve the symptoms of anxiety.

Acupuncture For Anxiety:

One of the best modalities we offer in regards to calming an anxious mind and balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system is acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, gua sha, and reiki therapies. The studies on acupuncture’s influence on both our immune system and nervous system are vast, and it is a perfect adjunct to also working naturopathically with Dr. Lana.