Holistit Weight Loss Counseling

Traditional weight loss programs typically involve dieting, caloric restriction, or focusing solely on extreme levels of exercise. Team DLW takes a different 360-degree approach which is more manageable and sustainable while taking into account your specific micro/macronutrient needs and supports you with realistic and long-term weight loss results.

How Is A Holistic Weight Loss Program Different Than Other Weight Loss Programs?

Traditional weight loss programs typically involve going on a fad diet (ie, strict keto, low carb, low fat, etc.) or prescribing weight loss pills. These extreme diets can be just that... extreme. Additionally, metabolic-boosting products are usually made of potentially toxic chemicals that act as uppers, supplying the body with high levels of caffeine, thereby disrupting cortisol, liver function, and blood sugar levels while also placing unnecessary stress on the cardiovascular systems. These methods often act as a temporary solution, like a band-aid, alleviating symptoms for a short while and thereby perpetuating the root of the issue and potentially leading to long-term health conditions. 

Dr. Lana's holistic approach is sustainable and will help the patient with maintainable weight loss results and maintenance. She focuses on the highest quality natural supplements and individualized nutrition plans. Dr. Lana will ensure the lifestyle change is attainable without feeling the pressure to "cheat." When working with Dr. Lana, she will schedule monthly checkups, in the beginning to make sure patients are successful in reaching their healthy weight.

Blood Sugar Balance/Regulation

One of the key components of weight loss is blood sugar balance/regulation. Through movement, nutrition, stress, and sleep support, proper and well-balanced blood sugar can be achieved. 

Ready to Work with Dr. Lana & the DLW Team?

Schedule a complimentary 15-minute naturopathic or health coaching consultation.