Laura Winges

Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach

Laura Winges is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner (Holistic Health Coach) with a specialization in Gut Health and Hormones. Laura was born and raised in Ottawa, Canada and now calls New York City home. Beyond her passion for nutrition, Laura is an avid cook and recipe tester, enjoys leisurely strolls around the city, pilates, and constantly seeks to expand her knowledge on all things nutrition and health. Laura also worked as a successful runway model for eight years across New York City, Europe, and Asia before pursuing her passion for nutrition.

Studying nutrition at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition sparked profound changes in her personal health, particularly in her digestive well-being and hormonal balance. Laura's perspective on food underwent a profound shift for the better, leading to remarkable improvements in areas such as irregular cycles, bloating, and low energy. These personal changes ignited her passion for helping clients achieve their health goals through sustainable changes. Laura's approach is inherently holistic, encompassing not just nutrition but also lifestyle, emotional well-being, stress management, and physical activity.

Laura's approach to coaching is deeply committed to addressing root causes and creating sustainable transformations. She brings a wealth of experience in supporting individuals dealing with challenges, such as IBS, PCOS, post-birth control syndrome, hormonal imbalances, low energy, migraines, acne, and more. Laura is also proficient in interpreting functional tests such as GI Map, DUTCH Hormone Testing, and Food Sensitivity results. These tests are extremely valuable at uncovering underlying factors of symptoms and creating a path toward healing through dietary adjustments, lifestyle changes, and targeted supplementation.

Laura's nutritional approach is inherently positive, educational, and tailored to the unique needs of each client. Her mission is to guide you on a journey toward lasting health and well-being.